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What is a game session


We think you have already noticed that in our articles we use the term “game session” (or “gaming session”). To beat online slots, you should know the importance of this term.

Let’s start with the definition.

The game session is a period of time from your first deposit to the end of the game. Duration of a game session doesn’t depend on the number of your deposits or withdrawals.

During the game session

All your loses, and deposits are counted to the total loss of a current game session. All your winnings and your withdrawals also counted to the total winning of a current session too. So, we can summarise that game session in an online casino is like gambling only one slot machine during all your stay at the offline casino.  Your additional deposits online casinos recognise like another part of one big deposit.

The duration of a game session

A game session usually lasts for 24 hours from your first deposit. And there is no way to extend your game session for more than 24 hours, the even new deposit would have no effect.

Ways of effective gambling during a game session

As you have learned the basics, let’s move to more complicated moment – your behaviour in case of big loss or win.

In case of a big win during one game session, you should always immediately withdraw all winning sum, as your game session after big win usually becomes negative, and casino tries to bring it’s money back. Do not try to continue gambling – this would lead you to a loss!

In case of big loss, your attempts to win back your money during the same game session would be more successful. That is why to win back the loss you should make your next deposit within 24 hours from your first deposit.

So that’s our simple rules to win more and make the right decisions in case of a big win or loss.

It’s hard for casino streamer like me to follow this strategy, as I play casino live and many people watch me, however, you can control yourself.

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